About Me
When people ask me to tell them a bit about myself I like to say, that I am the most creative nurse they have probably met. Nurse? Designer? What?
My carrier in designing did not start as an ordinary designers carrier with university, side jobs and freelance work. In fact it started with me having to quickly finish a carrier to be able to finance my every day living. I became a nurse by heart.
I started working in the local psychiatry on an intensive care unit. Quickly after that I met my now husband Christopher who is a passionate programmer.
With the time passing by Chris wanted to release his first App „Baltoo“ , the only problem was – there was no designer. As we were young and poor and I always had a passion for design, I grabbed my iPad and started the first App designs.
Beginning in graphic design
In 2013 I started to learn with Youtube how to design in Adobe. At the beginning it was very frustrating as I was a fulltime nurse and I had to use every single free slot to learn how to use these difficult but powerfull programms.
Soon i started to understand them and was able to quickly improve my skills. I then started to create graphics for printmedia as advertising material, logos, my first UX/UI Designs and the first animations in After Effects.
Learning by doing
We soon got alot of media attention for our projects aswell as investors and sponsors. People started to acknowliging our work. I was able to learn from alot of critic and other designers. We went on a 24h disrupt hackathon in Berlin and won a price for our App that we programmed, designes and branded in 24h.
With me improving my skills day by day I got offered my first job as a graphics designer at sunbird images.
Growing with the tasks
At the beginning I mainly worked in graphic design and improved the App store Screenshots of all the Apps. Soon enough I was able to take more and more tasks and improve my skill set which I am still working on every day. I slowly started to take over the UX/UI Design for the new apps, created Wireframes, advertisements, App Icons, Animations and even created the entire Website for sunbird images from scratch. Anything that needed to be done, I learned as I learnd all my other skills till now. I sat down, watched tutorials and tried until it worked and improved myself. One of my last skills, that I am currently improving mostly is working with 3D Art in Blender. The company I work for pushes me in learning new programs and skills every day which is just so amazing and exciting.